Premium Content
Share Your Knowledge!
What is premium content?
People are increasingly using the internet for information, research, and reviews. As a result, premium content has become one of the most relevant marketing tools for any business.
It is knowledge available to your audience in exchange for their information. Moreover, once they share their information, it is easier to qualify leads and then convert them into solid business. It can include e-books, articles, white papers, podcasts, audio books, checklists, case studies and more.
What is it for?
The key functions are to:
- Help you convert your website users into leads by initiating a relationship with your audience through your knowledge and expertise
- Inform and educate your audience by simplifying complex concepts
- Solve your audience’s problems and answer their questions
- Build a relationship based on trust
- Create or increase brand credibility
I already share my knowledge through my blog posts, do I still need it?
A blog post primarily acts as a gate to your premium content, thus allowing you to capture leads and nurture them through an organic sales funnel. Each premium content piece should be tailored and targeted to a specific audience and at a specific stage of the buying process.
Combined with blogging, social media and email marketing, your premium content offers you the opportunity of leading your audience down the pathway to becoming a qualified lead and, ultimately as a result, a long-term customer.