Foundational Website Health

The cornerstone of your online presence is your website. It exists not only for the sake of having one more site in cyberspace, its purpose is to let people learn about your company, find your contact information, and purchase your products.

How can Kulture Konnect support your ecommerce efforts?

Your website is, in most cases, the face of your business, and, if it isn’t working properly or is too old, you may lose out on significant conversion opportunities, especially if you are an ecommerce business and its main functionality fails. It is an ongoing labor of love and the amount of effort you put into your site will ultimately determine its success in the long-term. We can help maintain the foundational health of your website by monitoring and fixing issues related to:


How quickly your website loads and whether it loads on any given browser is crucial for bounce rates. We will analyze and remediate website loads, compatibility and best practices.


The disability market is an untapped market because most businesses don’t know about it or don’t know how to approach it. One of the most effective ways to make sure your website is accessible by the disabled is by making it accessible. We will help you monitor, diagnose and remediate WCAG and Section 508 guidelines issues as we build your website.

Error and Link Checking

Various errors such as missing images, server configuration and script issues as well as broken links can have an impact on your website performance and your SEO. We will help you scan your website and remediate and link and quality problems.


It is important to always think of your website user first and how they will behave on your website. We will help you identify usability issues based on guidelines to improve UI and UX.

Contact us to see how we can support your foundational website health efforts.


Benefits of an ongoing foundational website health strategy

Implementing a regular maintenance for the foundational health of your website is important to prevent any website issues that might break your site.

Unfortunately, many business owners think that maintaining a website is just doing content updates, but it goes beyond this. There are many reasons to keep your website in shipshape, here are some of the top in our list:

  • First impressions are important. If your website looks outdated users will most likely move on with their research. If your website looks unprofessional, customers may also think that your business is unprofessional.
  • Functionality can put a break in the buyer’s journey. If your website gives a negative impression in terms of usability or user experience or if something does not work properly it will set a negative impression on your customers.
  • Your website is your #1 salesperson. Your website plays a crucial role in the buyer’s journey. If your website doesn’t work, you’ll miss out on MQLs and potential sales.
  • It improves security. Cyber attacks cost U.S. companies $15.4 million per year, this tells us that it is very costly to implement remediation after an attack. Implementing an ongoing foundational health plan provides more support to protect your site from cyber threats by keeping your security systems up to date.
  • It influences SEO. Technical issues, ADA compliance issues, security issues, and outdated website design, structure, or content all influence your search engine rankings.

From the marketing POV, you should design, develop and maintain your website with a focus on your customers and their needs and wants. This is done through relevant and fresh content as well as making sure that contact forms and other contact info is kept up-to-date and all products and services listings are accurate and current. However, while content update is important for your users, monitoring and updating your website in the background (broken links, code validation, forms functionalities, etc.) is of equal importance for your website visitors and search engines.

If you’re on this page, you probably have a good idea if maintaining your own website is something you are currently capable of–or willing to do yourself. If your website is just taking up space on the internet, you should absolutely consider a redesign and implementing a foundational website health plan once you launch. Remember, your website should be a tool that your marketing and sales efforts and overall business grow. It is an organic part of your business that deserves your time and attention in order to fulfill its potential.

Contact us to see how we can support your foundational website health efforts.