Email Marketing

By the end of 2021, the number of email users was estimated to be at 4.1 Billion— yes, the word is billion with a “B.” However, a question that keeps popping up from many business owners and marketers is: “is email marketing still important?”

In short, yes. Email marketing can feel like it’s a waste of time because of your own experiences, e.g., sifting, archiving, swiping left, marking as spam, etc. But think about the companies whose emails you look forward to or products you enjoy. Those are the emails that never get lost in your inbox and are the emails you open and engage with. It is unavoidable that some users will ignore your emails or make a one-off purchase and then never come back, but, for new customers and returning customers, they want to engage with your email campaigns and to continue to hear from you — whether that be for the love of your content or promotional emails, they’ll continue to come back.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a direct marketing channel that lets businesses share various aspects of your brand, products and services with customers on your contact list. Its high ROI makes it crucial to most businesses’ overall inbound strategy. But, today, email marketing has moved away from mass mailings and instead focuses on consent, segmentation, and personalization. This might sound new and scary, but marketing automation handles most of the heavy lifting for you. In the long run, a well-designed email marketing strategy can become an essential part of any inbound marketing initiative to support not only driving sales, but helping build a community around your brand.

Why is email marketing important?

From order confirmations to newsletters to onboarding messages, emails are essential for the growth and management of your business. The importance of email marketing comes in the form of:

  1. Budget friendliness
  2. Conversions
  3. Brand awareness
  4. Customer loyalty
  5. Personalized experiences
  6. Provides an affordable testing environment
  7. Automation

As a business owner or marketer, you have a variety of channels available to reach your audience, but with limited time and resources you need to prioritize your efforts. Here is where email marketing comes into play as one one of the most effective channels to attract, engage, and connect with your audience to provide support for lead generation, website traffic and sales. We at Kulture Konnect can help you evaluate your current strategy, create short- and long-term goals for your email marketing strategy, as well as implement email campaigns that will change the way your customers view your brand.

Account set up

  • Set up of email marketing software account
  • Design email template – desktop and mobile versions
  • Programming of email template – responsive design
  • Integration of template in Campaign Monitor
  • List setup in Campaign Monitor
  • Create segments if necessary
  • Import list
  • Check for duplicates, deleted and suppressed emails
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2 emails/month, up to 6 hours

  • Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Build emails and customize content using template
  • Testing
  • Scheduling and distribution
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3 emails/month, 9 hours

  • Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Build emails and customize content using template
  • Testing
  • Scheduling and distribution
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4 emails/month, 12 hours

  • Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Build emails and customize content using template
  • Testing
  • Scheduling and distribution
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